Saturday, April 29, 2006

Local resident wins Spotty!

You can read all about it here.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Activism opportunities

Other than Dave Thul, who is now off to parts unknown, Spotty’s most persistent critic is Julie Risser. Julie has a much better attention span than Spot, which is damnation with faint praise. But still. Julie has sent emails to Spot about some things that might be of interest to Spot’s readers.

First, there will be a forum on immigration policy at the Edina Library at starting at 4:00 PM on May 15th. The address is 5280 Grandview Square here in Cakeville. Free admission; the forum will be moderated by Professor Katherine Fennelly of the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute. There has been tremendous demagoguery on the subject lately. Here’s the library description of the program:

The New Challenges of American Immigration: A Community Forum
Monday, May 15, 4-6 p.m.
The U.S. has traditionally defined itself as a land of opportunity, a refuge from persecution and a nation of immigrants. Today, more people than ever are trying to enter the country. Professor Katherine Fennelly of the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute will facilitate the forum: Is immigration good for America? Is it time to change immigration policies? If so, how? Sponsored by the Friends of the Edina Library in collaboration with the Minnesota Humanities Council, National Issues Forum and the Dakota County Library System.

Second, we can all pretty much agree that election law in Minnesota could use an overhaul – and not to make it tougher for people to vote, as the Republicans want. A quote from Julie:
Professor David Schultz from Hamline has just released a report that shows $42 million was spent lobbying the State Legislature in 2005 (a nonelection year). That comes to $231,000/legislator to influence politics in MN. Two of the most influential lobbying interests are Xcel Energy and The Chamber of Commerce.

On her blog, Julie describes three bills pending in the Minnesota Senate that relate to campaign finance disclosure, instant runoff voting (which Spot particularly likes), and lobbying reform. Apparently, these bills need some pressure to get them moving. It wouldn’t kill you, boys and girls, to check them out and then call or write some legislators.

Ok, here’s the disclaimer guaranteed to annoy Julie considerably. Julie is running for the Senate 41 seat currently held by, sigh, Geoff Michel. Readers know that Spotty supports DFL endorsed Andrew Borene for the job in the upcoming election. That isn’t changing. Spot is not part of the Borene campaign, and Borene hasn’t exactly panted after an endorsement from Spotty (in fact, he runs sensibly away from Spot at every opportunity), but Spotty thinks the Borene has the best chance of beating Michel in November.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sabo sez vote for Borene

Spotty keeps getting scooped by MNPublius on Borene stuff. Here's another endorsement, this time from outgoing US House member Martin Sabo.

Monday, April 10, 2006

From an SD41 press release


Andrew Borene, who served as a U.S. Marine Intelligence Officer
during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, received a unanimous endorse-
ment from approximately 300 delegates who attended Minnesota’s
Senate District 41 Democratic Convention on Saturday afternoon March 29. The district is traditionally a Republican stronghold, but went for Kerry-Edwards in 2004 and has seen a Democratic trend.

In his speech to the convention, Borene who holds a B.A in Economics
from Macalester College said he had previously worked as a public
finance investment banker and certainly knows “the difference
between a fee and a tax.” Borene said he thought that voters were
tired of “lobbyist influence and special interest politics” and that he
would provide “independent, community-based representation”
emphasizing the importance of investing in Minnesota’s human
capital as well as its infrastructure.

Later, Borene said that raising two sons with his wife, Britta, was
another reason he decided to seek elective office, saying, “we need
to work together to put our community, our state, and frankly our
nation back on track, because we all want to create a brighter future
for our children… I think at the end of the day that’s why we’re all

Borene gained some national exposure as a spokesman for veterans
who supported the Kerry-Edwards campaign in 2004 and is making
his first run for public office while completing a law degree under the
G.I. Bill at the University of Minnesota. Borene was recently featured
on KARE 11 television in the Twin Cities in a story about recent veterans
running as Democrats in 2006 elections.

Borene’s official campaign web site is on the web at
