Thursday, January 19, 2006

Senate Republican 41 war on terra . . .

Ok, all you Senate District 41 Republicans, turn to the same page in your hymnals. Someone is not listening to instructions. Please note the following:

On Tuesday Senator Geoff Michel was quoted in a story on Michel says facing a military vet (Andrew Borene who made the official announcement last night) won't change his focus or his campaign strategy, "When I go to the Capitol in Saint Paul, people don't ask me about the war or even much about terrorism, they want to talk about good schools, they want to talk about good roads and jobs."

Never mind that the Senator’s record on things like education, transportation, and the minimum wage are dismal.

Today, the Edina Sun Current had this announcement: Kim L. Ketterhagen will present "Terrorism Response: A Community Responsibility" at the Senate District 41 Republican Dinner Forum at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24, at Calvary Lutheran Church in Edina, 6817 Antrim Road.

Ketterhagen, regional program coordinator for the Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, will provide an overview of the local terrorism threat and what Minnesota agencies and citizens are doing to address these threats in the 10-county metropolitan region.

Well, okay Senator, are you going to be there? You might learn something.

Spot thanks an anonymous reader for the tip.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Attention to the race.

The Minnesota Senate 41 race is starting to attract some attention from around the state. The buzz is that Geoff Michel is much more conservative than his district, and that Andrew Borene, the likely DFL challenger, is a great guy.

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Check out the Spotty . . .

There is a new Spotty award here at the Cucking Stool that refers to Geoff Michel.