Tuesday, July 05, 2005

You will be known by the company you keep.

Part two.

On Spotty's other blog, The Cucking Stool, there is a new post about William Cooper's activities in the establishment of charter schools. The reasons this is news over here is because of the connection between the Coop and our senator, Geoff Michel.

Spotty's readers will recall that Senator G signed the No New Taxes Ever, I Really Mean It, Cross my Heart and Hope to Die pledge of the Taxpayers League, of which Cooper was a founding force. They will also recall that the Taxpayers League gave Michel a 100% rating. That means, among other things, he supports school vouchers, guaranteed to exacerbate the public school funding crisis.

Michel was also a chief sponsor of a bill to build a new Gophers stadium on campus, financed in part by giving the naming rights to TCF, owned by, you got it, Bill Cooper.

Geoff Michel sits on the Education Committee. Do you suppose he is Cooper's plant?